1v1.LOL Unblocked
1v1.LOL Unblocked
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1v1.LOL Unblocked
1v1.LOL Unblocked combines a third person shooter with a building simulation to create a unique online game. It's amazing to not only kill your opponents, but also build the most castles!
A halberd will be included in your armory, which can be used to destroy the towers of the enemy. For direct contact with an enemy, a shotgun or machine gun is better. Fortifications are possible. The scream can be used to gather materials and then create cones, barriers or spikes. Your home could be a great defense against attackers. It may even deter them from reaching their goal, which is to kill your player.
How To Play
- LMB to shoot/build
- WASD to move
- Space bar to jump
- Shift to crouch
- Z, X, C, V, or Y to switch building platforms
- F, 1, or 2 to switch weapons
- R to rotate stair/reload
- G to make door on platforms
- E to open doors